Whether you are running highly sophisticated equipment for a production business or simply using the blender at home, routine maintenance of machinery is crucial. Excavator dry hire sydney are expensive, regardless of purpose and size and in order to save some coin, you need to protect your machinery from everyday wear and tear. For a manufacturing plants, machinery in good condition often makes the difference between meeting or missing deadlines and delivery dates. Additionally, regular maintenance assists in identifying potential safety issues that could otherwise put people’s lives in danger.
By extending your machinery’s life, you would be saving money and optimizing performance for the long term. So, let’s look at some of these helpful maintenance tips.
Use Lubricants Frequently
Excessive heat and friction can result in serious rusting and may even damage your equipment permanently. It is therefore essential to lubricate all nooks and crannies of your machinery in order for it to work smoothly and reduce friction. Schedule lubrication cycles as it is the most important but frequently ignored maintenance checks. You must also routinely check for signs of excess oil or grease layers on pistons that may be reducing performance.

Keep in mind that using the right lubricant is also significant. There are specific kinds of oil and other lubricants for different components, thus it is advised to always check the manufacturer’s recommendations.
If your machine is making odd sounds while running, similar to that of screeching and running a sharp object over a chalkboard, chances are that it needs a healthy lubrication.
Inspect for signs of wear
Regardless of how responsibly you keep your equipment, it may still be subjected to wear and tear especially if it is exposed to shock, friction, rough use and high temperatures. Machines that are used on a daily basis for a continuous period of time may lose gears, screws and cogs. They may even end up with broken belts and overheated systems. This is especially true for poor operation technique and lack of lubrication, accelerating further wear of equipment.
In order to tackle this issue, routine checks and test runs are advised. Any loose bolts or hinges will become apparent and save costs, as well as improve performance tenfold. Any leakage, cracks or rips that might expose you to electricity can be discovered during daily inspection cycles and can be addressed promptly by repairing or replacing the affected part.
Maintain a Clean Environment
Any seals, filters or oil tanks connected to the machines should be cleaned and free of any contamination. Regular inspection ensures good condition and also provides a healthier environment for you and other machine operators. Water filters and boilers used at homes should be routinely checked for any contamination and bacteria. Machines used for relatively messy operation should be sterilized, such as cutters and drills used in food factories. This is also an important point for equipment used for medical purposes. Cutters that are regularly washed and maintained offer best results and slow down any results of wear and tear.
Large machinery should be stored in a separate building or shed to avoid exposure to rain and wind which results in serious rust and rot. Doing so will increase performance and durability significantly.
Keeping your machinery well protected and maintained will save you a fortune and will increase work performance drastically. Regular inspections, planning financially for repairs and following manufacturer’s advice about warranty will assist you in preserving expensive equipment. Our list provides you with the best tips to maintain your heavy machinery and extend its life, saving you money and stress.